How Does Sebum affect hair loss?

Sebum is a substance that is mainly produced and then excreted by the skin’s sebaceous gland. It coats the hair follicles, travelling through the follicle’s pores to reach the skin’s surface. When it reaches the skin, it combines with lipids (oil) and sweat to form a fine acidic coating called

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Hair Transplant Myths

Not only are there an abundance of myths about hair loss, there are many myths about hair transplantation as well! Here are the most common hair transplant myths debunked. Myth one: You can tell if someone has had a hair transplant. Happily, this myth is false. Older techniques of hair

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Does Neograft offer better results?

There are a lot of people talking and wondering about Neograft. The question everyone is asking and the debate on many hair loss forums are quite simple: is this an advantage or a hindrance? On the bald truth not too long ago, Spencer Korban and Dr Bauman had an in-depth

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