Hair loss Norwood Stages 1-7 Explained

Hair loss Norwood Stages 1-7 Explained

Male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia) is responsible for 95% of all hair loss in men. This hereditary condition is caused by the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which causes healthy hair follicles to shrink and the hairs attached to them to consequently fall out. When considering treatment (oral or topical medications) for

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Why is my hair falling out?

Why is my hair falling out?

Although it seems popular to believe that the main cause of hair loss is our toddlers, or perhaps it’s the teenagers, (and clinical research does corroborate stress as a trigger in some cases (1,2)), hair loss can be a symptom of multiple diseases/disorders. Like the blades of grass that carpet

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Rogaine® (minoxidil) for Men and Women

Rogaine® (minoxidil) for Men and Women

Minoxidil is a topical medication that comes as a solution or foam. The 2% solution is applied twice daily and the 5% foam is applied once daily. Advantages to foam may include easier application, less disruption to daily grooming routines, and patients have reported less itching and dandruff with foam

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5 Factors that can Influence Hair Loss

5 Factors that can Influence Hair Loss

Hair loss is a growing concern for many, particularly in light of society’s preoccupation with beauty. With the availability of new drugs, procedures, creams and lotions, it’s no wonder someone could easily get lost in what works and what doesn’t. The key to a voluminous full body of hair is

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