5 Tips for Faster Post-Operation Hair Growth

In this day and age, advancements are happening in practically every field and every industry, providing people with more comfortable, more permanent solutions to their daily woes. This is true even for hair loss technology, where innovations such as follicular unit extraction surgery have become a long-term solution to get

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Does spaceflight affect hair?

Does spaceflight affect hair?

Can you imagine soaring across the stars? Or getting to see the dark side of the moon? Astronauts may get to experience these amazing opportunities but at quite a sacrifice. And I’m not just referring to the dehydrated packages they call food. There are a number of serious health implications

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Daily minoxidil for women

Daily minoxidil for women

Pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia, is one of the most common causes of hair loss, seen frequently in men as they age. Moreover pattern hair loss is not an exclusive gentleman’s club. An expected 40% of women will develop pattern hair loss as they age1. However there are

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