In this day and age, advancements are happening in practically every field and every industry, providing people with more comfortable, more permanent solutions to their daily woes. This is true even for hair loss technology, where innovations such as follicular unit extraction surgery have become a long-term solution to get rid of baldness in both men and women.

Still, there’s only so much that technology can do to make people’s lives better. If you are about to undergo a hair transplant procedure and want it to be truly successful, you have to do your part to make it happen. Here are five tips to speed up your post-operation recovery time and achieve a full, healthy head of hair faster.

faster hair growth post operation

Treat your scalp with care.

After surgery, your scalp will typically be red and pink in certain areas, with small scabs surrounding the incisions. Apply any medication your doctor provided or prescribed to you gently to avoid irritating your scalp. Do not wash your hair immediately. Wait until your doctor gives you permission to wash your hair, and be sure to use a gentle shampoo when the time comes.

Do not apply chemical processing to your hair and scalp.

It is imperative that you wait a while before you let your hair undergo colouring, perming, or any other similar chemical treatment. The ideal time to have such a procedure is a full month after your operation. If you haven’t had your operation yet, experts recommend that you have your chemical hair processing done at least a week before the schedule of your procedure.

Refrain from physical activity

Avoid strenuous activities such as jogging, bicycling, lifting weights, and other sports for at least a week. This period of rest can give your scalp the opportunity to rest and recover properly. Usually, you can return to work within two to six days following surgery, but any activity that can make you sweat heavily should be avoided completely, at least for a week.

Follicular unit extraction and follicular unit transplant procedures are offered at hair restoration facilities like Sure Hair International. Schedule a consultation with one of their doctors to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure.