Having worked as a Hair Transplant Advisor for 5 years, I field questions, myths, realities and a wake-up call on a daily basis. I do so because I myself once looked in the mirror and saw hair loss and decided to get a hair transplant at a random clinic which resulted in a horrible looking, unnatural and pluggy hairline which sent me into a depression for years.

My salvation came at the hands of the Surgical Centre of Sure Hair International in 2006 who repaired my bad transplant and gave me the natural hairline I enjoy today. It was several years after my hair restoration which I began working for the company which changed my life. I spend most of my time fixing patients who have had horrible results from other clinics. The medical staff at Surehair international saw a problem with the quality of work being done and addressed this issue by creating a surgical technique that has since been patented and called Uni-Strand®.

The uni-Strand® method has been developed over a 15-year period thanks to our many doctors, technical staff, designers and our hair dressers which brought a unique artistic design and style component to a whole new level. This input gives the Uni-Strand Method the best of all worlds.

You will never hear doctors discussing style! Yet the final look is the most important aspect to you. The truth is if you plant the hair a certain way, it will grow a certain way. You want a transplant to reproduce what mother nature gave you: i.e. widow’s peak, the natural swirl in the crown, density placement and dense packing in key areas to give you the best and most natural result possible.

This is the Uni-Strand difference! Style, design, lots of hair transferred and careful placement…that’s the Uni-Strand method summed up.

Doctors have been doing hair surgery for over 25 years. Over the past 10 transplants began looking natural; however, it is only in the past few years through honing the Uni-Strand Methods that a hair can look, be styled and perform as good as, or better, than the hair you once had.

Uni-Strand® techniques have consistently evolved and been improved upon by our core surgical team that has completed over 5000 hair surgeries and transplanted over 6.5million grafts! Think about this: it took us 6.5 million transplanted grafts to perfect Uni-Strand® techniques.

What is so unique about Uni-Strand® techniques?

Uni-Strand® builds upon and combines the most state of art technology and methods while adding our own specialized techniques to:

1) Achieve High-Density Transplants of 50-75 grafts/cm2 with a consistently high (95%) survival rate of transplanted grafts;

2) Ensure a lack of density discrepancies and unnatural angulations between native hair and transplanted hair;

3) Ensure Hairline designs and angulation techniques perfectly recreate the natural head of hair you once had and can have again;

4) Allow huge Mega sessions above 3000- 4000 grafts (7000-10000 hairs) in one session for those with the available donor hair. We use special closure techniques which allow us to harvest once unimaginable amounts of grafts while ensuring extremely thin scars. Compare this to most clinics that typically require 2 or more surgeries to achieve 4000+grafts, which result in wider and more noticeable scars.

5) ‘Create the gentle touch technique. Back in 1996, we started offering hair surgery. It was often discussed how painful transplants were and doctors would stand up and say things like no pain, no gain its surgery.’ This was the norm and accepted standard. Naturally, you have to go through some discomfort but we believed there would be ways to minimize this. One of the directors of the company consulted with dental surgeons, especially children’s dentists to see the techniques used to minimize pain. We also went to a series of pain management seminars to build on their techniques and the gentle touch technique was born. Instead of heavily drugging our patients, which can have other side effects, we give a mild sedative and that’s it. Nowadays, we rarely hear that our procedure results in discomfort and most of the time patients fall asleep during surgery. In the past several years, we regularly get feedback from patients who have had the procedure elsewhere that they were amazed at the lack of pain and discomfort when compared to the other clinics. Not to mention the results are always superior.

Sadly, many clinics still struggle to do achieve only one of the above benefits of Uni-Strand®. You will find a select few clinics that can achieve one, two maybe even three of the above points, but to date, no clinic has truly ever combined all the above consistently. You may have a natural hairline but will not get a high-density transplant. You may get a large number of grafts with a high survival rate but the transplant will look pluggy or the angulations will not be natural.

Typically one surgery is needed (versus 2 or 3 surgeries) as we can take 4000+ grafts in one session with minimal scarring. Our Angulation techniques and planting patterns recreate Mother Nature’s imperfect perfections leaving you with a truly undetectable hair restoration in one pass.
It is for this reason that our surgical centre performs over 300 surgeries a year and is currently training doctors worldwide on our techniques. (NICK what would you like me to say about the doctors we are training and what it takes for them to qualify as a Uni-Strand® clinic.)

The informed consumer understands:
“Why would I go to another clinic for two or three surgeries when by using the Uni-Strand® techniques I can get the same amount of grafts in 1 surgery saving me half the money and downtime with truly undetectable results and a head of hair I thought I could never have again?”

Be an informed patient.